This initiative, supported by the VPMA Strategic Initiatives, aims to help high-scoring NIH R01 (or equivalent) grant proposals cross the funding threshold. This program will proceed for 5 years beginning January 1, 2025.

Available Funding

Up to $25,000 is available to address discrete, well-defined weaknesses identified in prior proposal reviews. These funds can support focused experiments, the development of new reagents, adoption of innovative techniques, or other proof-of-principle efforts. The funding must target 1-2 specific, score-driving weaknesses noted in the summary statement. Examples of eligible activities include:

  • Demonstrating an assay or method.
  • Creating a genetically engineered mouse model.
  • Establishing feasibility for a disease model or new technique.

This supplement is not intended for exploratory efforts that broadly expand the scope of the proposal, maintain general lab operations, or develop entirely new aims. Activities such as open-ended genetic/proteomic screens or speculative exploratory studies are discouraged.


Eligibility Criteria

  • Faculty members in the UI Carver College of Medicine who have submitted NIH R01 or equivalent proposals and received a summary statement within the past 12 months. Proposals that were scored and discussed are favored over those not-discussed proposals as they typically provide clear articulation of score-driving issues.
  • Funding History: Applicants must have served as PIs on an R01 or equivalent grant (e.g., research component of a PPG) within the past year.


Selection Criteria

  • Evidence of strong reviewer support for the Significance of the original proposal and the specificity of a limited set of score-driving weaknesses that can be address by this supplement mechanism. Typically, such issues should be confined to the Approach section.
  • The feasibility of addressing key score-driving concerns within the $25,000 budget.
  • A sustained history of productivity by the applicant.


Application Requirements   

Submit the following materials via InfoReady (

  1. Budget Outline: A budget (up to $25,000) outlining costs. Faculty salaries and equipment costs are not allowed. (Up to ½ page)
  2. NIH Biosketch: Must include a My Bibliography NCBI link and ORCiD link.
  3. Specific Aims Page: From the original R01 or equivalent proposal.
  4. Summary Statement: From the reviewed application.
  5. Plan Document: A document (up to one page) identifying the key defined score-driving weaknesses and the plan for how they will be addressed with the supplement funds. Supplement requests can be enhanced by including a strategy to improve grantsmanship by consulting with other faculty and/or the Scientific Editing and Research Communication Core (SERCC) for advice and guidance.


Awardee Obligations

Awardees are required to:

  • Notify the CCOM Dean’s Office ( upon completion of their resubmission, including the date submitted, title of proposal and the summary statement after reviewed (within one year of receiving funds). A follow-up notification on the outcome of the resubmitted proposal is also required.

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