Marketing and Communications involving Patients -
Consent Forms for Photography, Videography and Audio recordings

Researchers wishing to take photo, video or audio recordings of patients will need to use a new form for acquiring patient authorization. The new form replaces the two forms previously used for this purpose.  The form can be accessed on the UI Health Care Non-Medical Record Forms website

Please note these important changes to the form and the record-keeping process:

  1. The new form has two checkboxes to show the intended use of the information – academic and/or promotional.
  2. The person acquiring the authorization should review the intended use with patient and check the appropriate box(es) prior to them signing the form.
  3. The signed form should be uploaded into the patient’s Electronic Medical Record (EMR) under the media tab.
  4. This new process was effective June 30, 2021. If a patient signed one of the previously existing authorization forms prior to this date, it is not necessary to have them also sign the newly created authorization form.

Social Media Guidelines Involving Patient Care Information

The UI Health Care Social Media Guidelines have been updated to include more details about the use of patient care information on social media. Additional updates have been made regarding professional social media accounts for individuals and regarding accounts representing departments, divisions, or groups.

Please share and review this information with your team to ensure we are compliant with HIPAA requirements. If you have questions about these changes, please contact MarCom at 319-356-1009 or Health Information Management at 319-384-5742 (Brooke Zittergruen).

Noon News Submissions for Research Studies

UI Health Care research study coordinators seeking volunteers may submit announcements to Noon News by emailing Please make sure your approved IRB language is 30 words or less. For more information, consult our submission guidelines.

Social Media Guidelines for Lab Research

"Using Twitter and other Social Media to Share Your Research" presentation by Jeff Raasch, UI Health Care Marketing and Communications Office
"A Scientist's Guide to Social Media" by Jennifer Heemstra, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Emory University, ACS Central Science Article ASAP,  DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.9b01273

Research Interns -
Guidelines for Minors Interning in CCOM Research Labs (unpaid/volunteers)

These guidelines apply to minors interning in CCOM individual labs to perform research work. 

In order to host a minor Research Intern, faculty and any lab staff who will have direct contact and supervisory roles will need to do the following: 

  • Complete the online training course WRM002 through the Employee Self-Service My Training site. This training must be current within three years. 
  • Pass a criminal background check. Back ground checks must be current within five years.  
  • Create a job description and complete the forms below from the guidelines document.  
    • Proposed Project Checklist
    • PI/Supervisor Approval

Departing Faculty

This guidance and policy document applies to Carver College of Medicine faculty that are separating from the university through retirement or a job opportunity elsewhere.  The purpose is to provide guidance for fiduciary responsibility of grants management, and laboratory transfer for the departing faculty member.  It includes but is not limited to university policies regarding Data Ownership and Transfer, Compliance Close-out, Equipment/Supply Transfers, Lab Cleanup, and Maintaining Lab Personnel/Graduate Students after Departure.

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