The Daryl and Nancy Granner Distinguished Mentor Award honors an outstanding mentor of the Carver College of Medicine. 

Awardees are distinguished faculty who have served a significant portion of their career at Iowa and whose mentees have gone on to distinguished careers of their own.  Awardees are also known for their collegiality, dedication to their profession, and the advancement of the Carver College of Medicine and the University of Iowa.  The annual award celebration includes a Distinguished Mentor’s Lecture given by an eminent scholar.

2024 Daryl and Nancy Granner Distinguished Mentor Award Celebration

The 2024 Distinguished Mentor Award Celebration will be held on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 3:00pm in the Prem Sahai Auditorium (1110A MERF). 

Distinguished Mentor Awardee: Daniel Tranel, PhD

Dr. Tranel is Professor in the Department of Neurology.  He has an outstanding record of selflessly mentoring students, post-doctoral trainees, and faculty.  He is an exceptional mentor whose mentees have gone on to distinguished careers of their own.  He is also nationally and internationally recognized for his pioneering research in neuropsychology.

Distinguished Mentor Lecturer: Antonio Damasio, MD, PhD

Dr. Damasio is Director of the Brain and Creativity Institute at the University of Southern California.  He has made seminal contributions to the understanding of brain processes underlying affect and consciousness. His work on the role of emotions and feelings in decision-making has made a major impact in neuroscience and psychology.  

Past Distinguished Mentor Awardees and Lecturers:

2023Joseph L. Zabner, MDWilliam G. Kaelin Jr, MD
2022Peggy C. Nopoulos, MDAbraham Verghese, MD
2021Donald D. Heistad, MDDavid J. Skorton, MD
2019Edward F. Bell, MDRichard S. Finkel, MD
2018Mary E. Wilson, MDPeter Hotez, MD, PhD
2017Robert G. Robinson, MDEve E. Marder, PhD
2016John E. Donelson, PhDThomas R. Cech, PhD
2015M. Sue O'Dorisio, MD, PhDRobert A. Weinberg, PhD
2014Peter Densen, MDBonnie L. Bassler, PhD
2013Allyn L. Mark, MDBruce M. Spiegelman, PhD
2012Michael A. Apicella, MDDavid M. Oshinsky, PhD
2011David P. Wacker, PhDHuda Y. Zoghbi, MD
2010Bruce J. Gantz, MDDavid J. Julius, PhD
2009Ignacio Ponseti, MD
Stuart L. Weinstein, MD
David M. Kingsley, PhD
2008Arthur A. Spector, MDJeffrey M. Friedman, MD, PhD
2007Gary W. Hunninghake, MDAnthony S. Fauci, MD
2006François M. Abboud, MDRobert J. Lefkowitz, MD
2005Kevin P. Campbell, PhDEric R. Kandel, MD
2004Jeffrey C. Murray, MDMary-Claire King, PhD
2003Michael J. Welsh, MDGünter Blobel, MD, PhD
2002James A. Clifton, MDStephen O'Rahilly, MD

Nominations for the Distinguished Mentor Award:

Candidates for the Distinguished Mentor Award should be outstanding mentors whose mentees have gone on to distinguished careers of their own.  Candidates should have spent a significant portion of their career at Iowa.  Candidates may include: a) Mentors who have finished their active careers or achieved emeritus status, or b) Senior active faculty who have already made a substantial impact in the training of individuals who have gone on to success as independent faculty members.  Candidates should be known for their collegiality, dedication to their profession, and the betterment of the Carver College of Medicine and the University of Iowa.

UI Carver College of Medicine faculty, staff and alumni may submit nominations.  Complete nominations should include: a letter outlining the rationale for the nomination, the nominee's curriculum vitae, a list of former trainees, and up to ten supporting letters from colleagues and former trainees.

Nominations remain active for three years.  Nominators may update previous nominations that are still active.  Please submit nominations online.  Questions may be directed to Amber Jackson-Elwer.


The Distinguished Mentor Award and Distinguished Mentor's Lecture are made possible through a generous gift from Daryl Granner, 58BA, 62MS, 62MD, and Nancy Granner, 58BA.  Dr. Granner is a Distinguished Almunus, Professor Emeritus, and Founding Director, Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center, UI Carver College of Medicine.


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