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The Ramon and Victoria Lim Medical Science Lectureship Fund was created in 2004 with a generous gift from Drs. Ramon and Victoria Lim. The fund supports the visits to Iowa City of eminent scientists working in neuroscience and internal medicine.
Ramon Lim, MD, PhD, is a University of Iowa professor emeritus of neurology and a researcher in the area of brain proteins and brain cell biology. Victoria Lim, MD, is a UI professor emeritus of internal medicine who studied endocrine disorders in patients with kidney disease. The Lims are long-time residents of Iowa City and members of the University community. In addition to their clinical and research work in medicine, the Lims are active supporters of the arts. Ramon Lim is an accomplished calligrapher and Vicky is a writer.
2025 Lecture:

Sui Rong Wayne Chen
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Cumming School of Medicine
University of Calgary
"Novel Mechanism of ER Calcium Store-controlled Memory Induction and Alzheimer's Disease-related Memory Deficits"
April 10, 2025
Urmila Sahai Seminar Room
(2117 MERF)
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