The prestigious and distinctive Helen C. Levitt Endowed Annual Visiting Professorship provides salary for a faculty member to spend 6-12 months at The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine performing research and participating in teaching programs.
Thus, it is essentially a research sabbatical that provides salary, travel funds, and funds toward research expenses, and that includes modest teaching responsibility/opportunity.
Established scientists at the rank of Associate Professor, Professor, or equivalent having a Ph.D., M.D., or M.D., Ph.D. or equivalent degree(s) are invited to apply. The individual's expertise and interests can relate to any discipline within the Carver College of Medicine. The Levitt Endowed Annual Visiting Professorship candidates should have established records as independent investigators who would interact and/or collaborate with established scientist(s) at the University of Iowa. The Levitt Visiting Professor would also have opportunities and be expected to interact with students and trainees. Salary and faculty rank would be commensurate with experience and qualifications. The departmental affiliation will be determined by the individual's expertise and interests in consultation with the collegiate and departmental administrations.
The Levitt Endowed Visiting Professor will be expected to lecture and participate in research and educational programs and consultation with students, trainees and faculty in the College.
Nomination materials should be provided by the CCOM faculty host and should include:
a nomination letter from the faculty sponsor/host
a brief statement of research interests and detailed description of the work to be done during the fellowship (impact, activities, etc)
candidate's curriculum vitae
a letter of support from the DEO of the department in which the person will reside
a list of any previous or existing interactions and/or collaborations with faculty in the Carver College of Medicine
Please note the selection process is highly competitive. Nomination materials will be reviewed by the Dean's Office, and the offer extended by the Dean. Letters of support should be addressed to the Dean.